Monday, November 10, 2008

Unwelcome Visitor

With Razz in heat we've had an unwelcome pit bull male lurking around the kennel. We're are not sure where he lives. I tend to think that he is coming down with hunters on the weekends. I have never seen him during the week, only on the weekends. He is collared and seems very gentle. Monte has actually walked right up to him, put a leash on his collar and lend him down the road. He has been "visiting" for about a month. We shoo him off and then don't see him again for about a week, but now with Razz in heat we can't seem to get our unwelcome guest to leave. He is trying like crazy to find a way into the kennel. Sorry buddy, NO DOIN'!! ( HA, HA) We had to have him removed from the property this weekend.

It really angers me that people assume just because we live in the country that it is okay to let your animal run wild. It is NOT! There is a major highway right next to our farm that semi's barrel down, many natural predators, not to mention farmers that will not tolerate dogs on their farms.

Be responsible dog owner. Protect your animal from the dangers of country life!

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